What To Expect At Your Visit
Each appointment is 15 minutes long (unless otherwise specified)
-Please arrive early so you can be checked in and information updated before your appointment.
-Please have all current medications as well as topical medications written out and available for your medical assistant.
-Time spent with the medical assistant is time out of the visit, so please try to keep it short.
Each appointment is scheduled for a specific visit type
-Although we do our best to address most of your concerns some complaints/concerns need separate appointments to be assessed and addressed properly.
Conditions or complaints requiring a separate appointment:
Body Checks are specifically to screen for abnormal moles and skin cancers.
■ Please limit specific “spot checks” or areas of concern to 2 per visit.
● Choose the two that are most concerning for you
● Please no “laundry lists” of spots to check
● Remember, we will be checking over your entire body.
Rashes require a separate visit. These include:
■ Eczema, Psoriasis, Seborrheic Dermatitis, Rosacea, and Fungal infections.
Other common visits that require separate appointments include:
■ Acne
■ Hair loss
■ Small office procedures: wart removal, Liquid Nitrogen treatment of SK’s, Milia Cyst extractions, steroid injections.
● Please only ask a provider to address what you are scheduled for at that visit. Kindly make a separate appointment for other medical conditions so that we may address your questions and concerns appropriately.
● If you have any of the following conditions that require separate appointments please schedule them all with a receptionist as we are booking out a couple of months